Lagos rents clean, safe, and affordable properties to good, hard-working people.

We pride ourselves on finding unique properties and turning them into beautiful opportunities for residential and commercial use.


What some may see as a lost cause, we see as an opportunity.

When others may shy away because it’s just too much work, we roll up our sleeves. That is our grit, which has been handed down to us through many generations. And when others may not pay attention to the finer details, we invest in the little touches. That is our appreciation for beauty.



Real Estate

We are always actively seeking and investing in unique commercial properties across the United States. We look for the potential in every space. Most of our investments come from less than ideal circumstances, and yet, we’re able to find and maximize the value and beauty in each property. Our expertise in law and complicated real estate deals allows us to move thoroughly and swiftly. Our deep family values allow us to truly care about our partners and the outcomes.



Real Estate

We regularly find residential properties that have incredible potential. Much like our commercial practice, we work to amplify the value in the asset and create a clean, safe, beautiful rental for good, hard-working people.

We Buy Real Estate

Whether commercial or residential, we’re always looking for ways to meaningfully invest.

Have or looking for a property? We’d love to talk!